Pesmi ob svetovnem dnevu otrok
Pripravila: Vesna Ristova Petrova
20. november je pomemben datum, saj je leta 1959 Generalna skupščina Združenih narodov sprejela Deklaracijo o otrokovih pravicah.
Svetovni dan otrok je priložnost:
- da je glas otrok slišan in upoštevan na najrazličnejših področjih;
- da otroci povedo, v kakšnem svetu si želijo odraščati, in opozorijo na to, da vsi otroci še vedno nimajo enakih možnosti;
- da otroci in odrasli združimo moči za vse otroke sveta.
Ob tej priložnosti so naši učenci pri uri angleščine pri učiteljici Heleni Žnidaršič Seme spisali nekaj svojih misli in zbrali svoje občutke.
At school I am stressed,
at home I am depressed
at trainings I am free,
on holidays I am carefree.
But when holidays are over, I need a plan b,
because I am only happy
when we are at the sea.
Ivona, Gea, Neira, 9. a
In school I had a test,
and I didn’t do the best.
From my mom I tried to race,
before she slaps me in the face.
I should have studied more,
known the formula for »klor«.
Now I sit on my bed,
from the slaps my face all red.
Stefan, Marko, 9. a
There was a man,
who was walking down the street.
There he saw a cow, a bird and a sheep.
A farmer came,
walking down the street,
waved to the man
and took the cow, the bird and the sheep.
The man looked at him
And asked: »What will you do with a cow,
a bird and a sheep?«
The farmers stops, turns and nods:
»Do you want to see?«
The man followed him,
They came to the farm.
It was pretty quiet and nice.
Sara, Leja, Aleksandra, 9. a
School is very bad.
I am very sad.
I love my friends
because they have warm hands.
I want to take a bath,
but I have to do a homework for math.
My class is very hard,
I’m falling apart.
Teachers are lions,
especially for science.
Our history is a mistery,
I don’t understand physics,
but I love my bad misses.
Šia, Neža, Tanja, Pia, 8. a
You hurry too much,
please tell me, why.
Just stop and
admire the sky.
Domen, 8. a
When I wait in queue
I get my card ready to pay the food.
But the card declined and
they kick me out of the line.
Andrija, Timofey, 8. a
Doesn’t matter what
colour we are.
If you are black or white.
We always have
the same rights.
Kristian, Enes, 8. a
I shall be one of the great.
Always be proud of the decisions I make.
Avoid those who carry hate.
And never let them make me break.
Lenart, 9. a
I am a zombie
I look like a zombie,
I feel like a zombi.
When I got home,
I lock in my room,
trying to study,
but it doesn’t work.
So I cry and
don’t know what to do.
I my life is like dead.
Leonardo, 9. a
Beautiful day, the sky is blue,
I’m so sad when I am not with you.
I am feeling like a fool.
But when you came to my life,
you made it cool.
I love your voice, I love your smile,
You are the best in my life.
Anastasija, Neja, Stefan, 9. c
You don’t have
to be good at start.
But you have to start
to be good.
The magic you’re searching for
is in the work you’re avoiding.
Friendship is like food,
you have to enjoy it before it’s rotten.
School is like life.
It’s easy at first but
older you get
harder it gets.
Luka, 8. a, Tim, 8. b
If you feel bad
you need a friend,
but not fake.
Just one
who will be with
you all life.
Daša, 8. a
UNESCO is us,
UNESCO is everyone who loves.
It’s friendship and it’s joy.
The only thing we need,
whenever we’re feeling sad or depressed,
it’s not smoking weed because
UNESCO is the only thing we need.
Iris, 8. a
A rain falling down,
a puddle splashed around,
and sweet little voice
that only above.
And sunshine lights.
What hit in your eyes’
a cloud in the sky.
How much you can see?
It’s only, you know,
an angel from heavens,
that’s saving your life
from dangerous cases.
Arina, 8. a